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SQLAlchemy 1.4.2 Released
March 19, 2021 permalink
SQLAlchemy 1.4.2 is now available.
As the large number of small regressions and new feature issues being reported has continued beyond version 1.4.1, version 1.4.2 now has the next batch of fixes. Release 1.4.2 includes mostly more regression fixes, all of which are "one-liner" fixes, as well as a new use case supported by Dataclasses feature allowing declarative mixins with @declared_attr to work as Dataclasses.
Continued thanks to the users submitting great bug reports and our core development team working all week to solidify the 1.4 release.
For users migrating from 1.3, the first stop is the What's New in 1.4? document which will provide an overview of how to get started with SQLAlchemy 1.4.
The complete changelog for 1.4.2 as well as all the beta releases is at Changelog.
SQLAlchemy 1.4.2 is available on the Download Page.