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SQLAlchemy 0.6 On Its Way
August 07, 2009 permalink
SQLAlchemy 0.6 is now on trunk, with release candidates to come soon. Jython compatibility is near 100% for MySQL and Postgresql, with work being done for Oracle + JDBC as well. Oracle tests using cPython pass at 100% and compatibility is also introduced for MSSQL via PyODBC with FreeTDS, allowing any unix platform to access MSSQL (one user is testing it against Sybase ASE as well with a good deal of success). INSERT RETURNING support is also implemented natively for Postgresql, Oracle, MSSQL and Firebird and is used when available to fetch newly generated primary key identifiers.
The release of 0.6 will solidify the best architecture yet for maximum Python platform, DBAPI, and database backend compatibility, allowing new DBAPIs and architectures to be plugged in with minimal hacking.
The in-progress documentation of what's new is at 06Migration.