News and Updates

SQLAlchemy 2.0.38 Released

SQLAlchemy 2.0.38 is now available.

Release 2.0.38 has a series of bug fixes related to engine and SQL components, as well as aiosqlite, asyncpg and MySQL/MariaDB.

Links to the detailed changelog for 2.0.38 is at Changelog.

SQLAlchemy 2.0.38 is available on the Download Page.

SQLAlchemy 2.0.37 Released

SQLAlchemy 2.0.37 is now available.

Release 2.0.37 is the first release of 2025.

Links to the detailed changelog for 2.0.37 is at Changelog.

SQLAlchemy 2.0.37 is available on the Download Page.

SQLAlchemy 2.0.36 Released

SQLAlchemy 2.0.36 is now available.

Release 2.0.36 has a large range of ORM fixes as well as fixes for the MySQL and PostgreSQL dialects.

Links to the detailed changelog for 2.0.36 is at Changelog.

SQLAlchemy 2.0.36 is available on the Download Page.

SQLAlchemy 2.0.35 Released

SQLAlchemy 2.0.35 is now available.

Release 2.0.35 continues to fix regressions due to the recent change to CHECK constraint reflection for SQLite, reverting the original change entirely until a better DDL parsing solution for SQLite can be proposed.

Links to the detailed changelog for 2.0.35 is at Changelog.

SQLAlchemy 2.0.35 is available on the Download Page.

SQLAlchemy 1.4.54 Released

SQLAlchemy 1.4.54 is now available.

While releases for the 1.4 series are infrequent, this release includes a backport of a critical change for the asyncpg driver related to transactions being left open,which was also included in release 2.0.33.

The complete changelog for 1.4.54 is at Changelog.

SQLAlchemy 1.4.54 is available on the Download Page.